
Men's Ministry


The Men's ministry at Eastview Baptist Church exists to provide men with opportunities to grow in their faith and to serve God and others. We offer a variety of Bible studies, service projects, and social events throughout the year. We want to help men become the spiritual leaders of their homes and families, and to be strong men of God who can impact their community for Christ.

Our men's Bible study is currently going through the book of II Timothy.  All men are welcome to join us as we study and grow together through the Scriptures.

Eastview Baptist Church Men's Fellowship is a place where men can come together to pray, study the Bible, and fellowship with one another. 

Frequently we will schedule work days for our men to serve the community and members of our church. These work days include weed abatement, general clean up, and other such tasks. Dates and times are announced in church and will be placed on the upcoming events section of our homepage.